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Examinations and Certificates at ISK

Do you need proof of your language proficiency for naturalization, university or your job? Whether you’re interested in taking the TestDaF, DSH, telc, WiDaF or an ISK examination – we will advise competently and individually on the many different options you have.

Consultation | Placement

There are many different language examinations and language certificates available in Germany. Let us advise you on which course, which examination and which language certificate is right for you. We offer you individual advising, tips on preparing for the examination and all the information you need to achieve your own personal goals.

Consultation by appointment
Give us a call: 0511 - 123 563 60

Office hours: 
Monday to Friday: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
Monday to Thursday: 3.00 to 6.00 pm

Certificates that lead to the goal

German test for job-related purposes

The final exam of the job-related German courses tests the communicative ability to act in the workplace.

German for Naturalisation

We offer the “German Test for Immigrants” (DTZ) and the “Living in Germany” (LiD) test.

Licensed Examination Center

Telc, TestDaF or WiDaF - we offer a variety of exam options.

Europäischer Refe-
renzrahmen (GER)




Deutsch für die Universität

Elementare Sprach-



Deutsch A1




Deutsch A2



Elementare Sprach-



Deutsch B1




Mittelstufe 1



TestDaF TDN 3,


Mittelstufe 2

Deutsch B2


TestDaF TDN 4,

Kompetente Sprach-



Deutsch C1


TestDaF TDN 5,
DSH 3,
telc C1 Hochschule


Which telc examinations does the ISK offer?

We prepare you for all the telc German language certificates. Internationally, telc certificates are highly recognized by companies, government agencies, schools and universities. As a licensed examination center, we offer telc examinations from A1- C2 in Hannover. Let us advise you on which exam is right for you.

What do I need to know for the telc C1 Hochschule exam?

How is the exam structured?

The telc C1 Hochschuleexamination is made up of a written and an oral examination.

Written examination (220 minutes)

- Reading comprehension, Part 1-3 + language modules, Part 1 (90 min.)

- Break (20 min.)

- Listening comprehension, Part 1-3 (40 min.)

- Writing, Part 1 (70 min.)

Oral examination (usually done with two participants at a time, 16 minutes)

- Preparation time: 20 minutes

- Part 1A Presentation (approx. 3 minutes per participant)

- Part 1B Summary (approx. 2 minutes per participant)

- Part 2 Discussion (approx. 6 minutes for both participants)

ISK offers the telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule exam several times a year. Our exam days are Thursday and Friday.

How can I prepare for the examination?

We recommend that you first take part in one of our intensive courses. Depending on your language level, we will find the right course for you in a placement interview. If your German language skills are already at level C1 according to the CEFR, our experienced teachers will prepare you ideally for the telc C1 Hochschule examination in the examination course. You can find more detailed information on our page for German for your studies. Tips and practice materials for the exam are available from telc.

How can I register for the telc C1 Hochschule exam?

You can register for the exam course after you have had an individual consultation with us on site or online. Advising and placement always take place with us by appointment on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please feel free to contact us and arrange for an appointment by phone (0511 12356360) or by e-mail (

When do I get my results?

Four weeks after the day of the exam, you can call the ISK to find out if your exam results have arrived. If this is the case, you can pick up your telc certificate or score sheet at the office in Lützowstraße 7 during our business hours.

Can I repeat the exam?

Yes, you can repeat the exam as often as you want to. If you have only passed one part (written or oral), you can repeat the other part. The telc examination regulations specify certain requirements for this. We will be happy to provide you with more information.

Are the ISK examinations what I need?

The ISK conducts all German examinations at levels A1 to C1 according to the generally binding competence levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). In the intensive courses weekly tests are held. A minimum of 60 percent is required to receive the ISK-certificate during the last week of the course.

The ISK exams are generally recognized as proof of language proficiency, for example, for naturalization in Germany or for applying for a license to practice medicine.

LiD - "Living in Germany" exam

Is the LiD right for me?

You can take the DTZ (German for Immigrants) at the end of the integration course. The B1 level is the level you need for naturalization. As the final part of the integration course, you take part in the orientation course, which you end with the test “Leben in Deutschland” (Living in Germany) – (LiD). In the orientation course we prepare you in the best possible way for the test.

How can I prepare for the exam?

We always recommend that you first take part in one of our integration courses. Our experienced teachers will prepare you ideally for the LiD exam format. You can find more detailed information on our page about orientation courses.

How much does it cost to take the LiD exam?

If you have authorization or are obliged to attend an integration course, you are allowed to take the exam twice free of charge. The costs are covered by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

If you wish to take the exam more than twice or if you do not have an integration course authorization, you will have to cover the costs yourself. The examination fee in the ISK is EUR 25.

We usually offer the LiD only for participants in the orientation courses.

DSH - German Language Examination for University Admission of Foreign Study Applicants

How is the DSH exam structured?

The DSH exam consists of a written and an oral examination.

Written exam

- Text production on a specific topic (70 min.)

- Comprehension and processing of an audio text (75 min.)

- Comprehension and processing of a written text & academic language structures (90 min.)

If you pass the written exam with at least 57%, you can participate in an oral exam. Passing the oral exam is necessary for you to receive a certificate.

Oral examination, usually with two participants at a time (16 minutes)

- Preparation time (20 min.)

- Exam talk (15 min.)

How can I prepare for the examination?

We recommend that you first take part in one of our intensive courses. According to your language level, we will find the right course for you in a placement interview. If your German language skills are already at level C1 according to the CEFR, our experienced teachers will prepare you ideally for the DSH examination in the examination course. You can find more detailed information on our page for German for Studies. Information on the examination is available on the FSZ page of the University of Hannover.

How can I register for the examination?

Registration for the DSH in Hannover is done via the Fachsprachenzentrum of Leibniz Universität. If you have a provisional notice of admission to the University of Hannover, you will be given priority when registering for the examination there. External applicants can register via the lottery procedure. You can find information on registration at

TestDaF – Test German as a Foreign Language

The TestDaF (Test German as a Foreign Language) is a language certificate for your studies and your job. It is one of the most important language testsfor foreign applicants to prove their German language skills. Our language school is a licensed test center and offers the internationally recognized TestDaF six times throughout the year.

How is the TestDaF structured?

All parts of the TestDaF exam are taken in digital form on the laptop in the ISK.

The TestDaF examination is made up of four different parts that all take place on one day:

  • Reading comprehension: 3 reading texts, 30 questions, 60 minutes
  • Listening comprehension: 3 listening texts, 25 questions, 40 minutes
  • Written expression: 1 writing task, 60 minutes
  • Oral expression: 7 speaking tasks, 35 minutes

Most universities expect you to achieve TDN 4 in all 4 parts of the examination. In the TestDaF examination, your linguistic performance is indicated in the TestDaF levels TDN 3, 4 and 5. These correspond to the German B2.1 to C1.2 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). TestDaF can also be used as a language certificate for your job.

How can I prepare for the examination?

If your language level is currently at German B1 or B2, we recommend that you first participate in one of our intensive courses. If you already have a language level of German C1, we recommend our 4-week exam course to prepare for the TestDaF exam. Our experienced teachers will prepare you ideally for the TestDaF exam format. You will find more detailed information on the respective course pages.

What does an examination place guarantee mean?

If you register with us for a 4-week exam course, we will reserve a place for you to take the TestDaF exam with us at ISK Hannover. The cost of the exam in the amount of EUR 195 will be charged additionally. After registering, you will receive your personal TAN from us, with which you can register online for the exam at

How can I register?

After an individual consultation with us on site or online, you can register for the exam course. Advising and placement always take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays at the ISK. Please feel free to get in touch with us by phone (0511 12356360) or e-mail ( to make an appointment.

How much does it cost to take the TestDaF examination course?

The 4-week examination course at the ISK costs EUR 380.

When do I get my results?

Six weeks after the day of the exam you can view your results online. Shortly thereafter, you can pick up your TestDaF certificate from us at the ISK Hannover.


The Test WiDaF is a language certificate for job-related language skills and is aimed at non-German speakers who use German as part of their job. You can also obtain further information about this from the office.

When do I get the results?

Four weeks after the day of the exam you can call the ISK (0511 12356360) and find out if your exam results have arrived. If this is the case, you can pick up your DTB certificate or result sheet during our business hours at the office in Lützowstraße 7.

How can I register for the DTB?

You register automatically in your job-related language course.

How much does it cost to take the DTB?

The exam is free of charge for participants in the job-related language courses. If you fail the exam, you can repeat the job-related language course with a new exam. To do so, you need an authorization to repeat.

Who can take part in the exam?

The German Test for Job-Related Purposes (DTB) is only offered to participants of job-related language courses sponsored by the BAMF.

How can I prepare for the exam?

We always recommend that you first attend one of our job-related language courses. We will find the right course for you according to your language level in a placement interview. Our experienced teachers will prepare you ideally for the DTB examination format. You can find more detailed information on our page about job-related language courses.

How is the DTB exam structured?

The DTB consists of a written and an oral examination.

DTB A2 and B1:



Written exam (95 minutes)

Written exam (125 minutes)

Written exam (135 minutes)

  • Reading comprehension (40 min.)
  • Reading comprehension (45 min.)
  • Reading comprehension (45 min.)
  • Reading comprehension and writing (20 min.)
  • Reading comprehension and writing (20 min.)
  • Reading comprehension and writing (20 min.)
  • Listening comprehension (20 min.)
  • Listening comprehension (20 min.)
  • Listening comprehension (20 min.)
  • Listening comprehension and writing (5 min.)
  • Listening comprehension and writing (5 min.)
  • Listening comprehension and writing (5 min.)
  • Language modules and writing (10 min.)
  • Language modules and writing (35 min.)
  • Language modules and writing (45 min.)

Oral exam for two candidates (16 minutes)

Oral exam for two candidates (16 minutes)

Oral exam for two candidates (16 minutes)

  • Part 1 Talking about your job (approx. 2 minutes per participant)
  • Part 1 Talking about a specific topic (approx. 2 minutes per participant)
  • Part 1 Talking about yourself (approx. 2 minutes per participant)
  • Part 2 Talking with colleagues (approx. 3 minutes per participant)
  • Part 2 Talking with colleagues (approx. 3 minutes per participant)
  • Part 2 Talking with colleagues (approx. 3 minutes per participant)
  • Part 3 Planning something together (approx. 5 minutes for both participants)
  • Part 3 Discussing solutions (approx. 5 minutes for both participants)
  • Part 3 Discussing solutions (approx. 5 minutes for both participants)

The ISK conducts the examination on fixed dates every month. Our exam days are mainly Friday and Saturday.