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Our Career Portal contains all the information you need on the topic of jobs at the ISK.

Jobs at the ISK

We are always looking for new trainers for our team of instructors. We are open to interested, new employees who work well in teams and are willing to learn. Our team is made up of 60 permanent employees, including teachers, social and certified pedagogues, project managers, team leaders and administrative employees. Freelance instructors and subject specialists support our permanent team in the DaF/DaZ area. Unsolicited applications are always welcome.

Salary | Fees

We work together with freelance instructors as well as with permanent instructors on the payroll, for whom we have developed our own special pay rates based on the customary salaries and fees. It is very important to us to make sure that our staff’s working environment is as professional and as well organized as possible. On the basis of individual opportunities for continuing education, clearly defined responsibilities, transparent leadership structures, unambiguous job descriptions and fixed paths of communication, we create a working and company climate for our staff in which the main focus is on motivation, a proactive attitude and active cooperation with one another. Our credo is: teaching and learning can only be successful in a relaxed, positive learning atmosphere with instructors who exhibit great professional and social competence and who enjoy teaching.

Job application process

Please send us your job application documents in digital form.

  • Cover letter with information on your motivation and availability
  • Complete CV with a photo
  • Copies of your credentials and certificates of any additional qualifications

We look forward to receiving your application at the following address:

Once we have received your application, we will contact you by e-mail or telephone to arrange for a job interview. Please be patient; we will contact each and every applicant. Thank you!